Demonology 101

There's no shortage of hellspawn to blow to smithereens in Doom. To exterminate the demonic horde effectively, you should probably know what you're up against. Or you could just shoot everything with the biggest gun you've got - that works too. Consider this your crash course in demonic threat assessment, where failure means game over.

Monster Image

Doom II
Final Doom
Doom 64

TYPE: Hitscan, Undead Zombie
HP: 20
ATTACK: 3-15
PAIN CHANCE: 200 (79.30%)


The zombified remnants of Earth's utterly incompetent military and hell's bargain bin cannon fodder.

Armed with slow-firing rifles, they're more of an annoyance than a threat. Their durability matches their intelligence - practically non-existent. One well-placed shot from nearly any weapon turns them into wall art.

But don't get cocky - even these shuffling meatbags can ruin your day if they gang up on you. Consider them Hell's welcoming committee, emphasis on "Hell."

Tactical Analysis

Zombiemen are Hell's roaches, and you should exterminate them as such. Mow these nuisances down with your chaingun before tackling worthier adversaries. Be cautious of their numbers; hordes of zombies can still drain your health more than you'd expect."